Thursday, December 8, 2011

A chance to catch up..

So you got the extra basic basics in the profile info portion. Now to elaborate and get you up to speed.

I keep doing things that are supposed to qualify me as being "grown up," but I really don't feel it. Is there a day when you wake up and realize "HARK! Today I am grown! Let me go forth and act thusly?"

I really don't know what I am supposed to be doing with my degree, so I just keep paying it monthly hoping to some day be done owing on it. But I do love to talk, so I guess it isn't a total loss.
Majority of my friends are married, which is nice because it means I am almost done spending money on others celebrations. However, that also means that now there are a plethora of babies to spend on instead. Not sure how I feel about this. I keep trying to find a way to celebrate "not married and no babies," but have yet to think of a good plan to date

I bought my 3rd ever car last year, all by myself. Which in my world is a big accomplishment. Then I went and bought a condo this year, all by myself as well (monetarily speaking anyway). There is much significance to the condo. For one, it is the first time in over a decade that I have had a permanent address. Secondly, it is some place that I can make mine, with grand visions of how I want things done.

With that being said, buying a place that "needs some love" is greatly misrepresented on HGTV. The demo part is spot on with how TV portrays it (until I broke my foot anyway). But putting it back together, now THAT is a different story. We are currenty on day 13 of a "10 day" project. I should have known it was too good to be true. But being a "property virgin" I was delusional and hopeful. Let's just say what I see thus far doesn't match my vision yet. Which is a problem as I volunteered to host Christmas dinner this year. Eep!

This is an experience if nothing else.

On the plus side, my boyfriend has been great in all of this. Even the parts where I lose my mind. Patience of a saint I tell you.

Now you are mostly caught up. Future posts will most likely be shorter, but I make no promises. 

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