Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Food Festivities

One thing I have noticed, is that once you are considered "grown up" you automatically get a new realm of responsibility. Especially if you have your own place or family: Couple + kid (or) house = hosting assumption.

With any luck, one can avoid this with much ease, provided you are crafty about doing so.

For example: holiday dinners. Regardless of whether it is Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, or whatever other holiday one might have family over for, some how a default question is "So, what are you making for (insert group meal here)?" Now, while I have no kids, I have also never had anywhere to host anything until recently, so avoiding this was easy. I just went where the food was. If I did it right, I was able to spread out the food festivities over a few days.

This year, as I technically have a place (not quite fully inhabitable yet as I am missing a few major details) I had offered to host a Christmas dinner for my blood family. That fell through due to aforementioned issues, so my brother's girlfriend offered up their place for replacement. So I still had cooking responsibility, but no longer hostess responsibility. My brother's girlfriend must be a bit of a masochist though, as our Christmas was the third they had hosted. (See above equation) Despite the last minute location move as well as shopping for food, it was a really good evening.

Then I talked to my aunt later that same night. Somehow I have inadvertently agreed to do Easter at my house this next year. I can't tell you the last time I spent Easter with my family (again, I go where the food/people already are) so this will be different. I don't even know when Easter is, but apparently I am hosting this year.

I must say though, to be at dusk of my 28th year, and only now be hosting a holiday, I have been fairly good at skirting this assumed responsibility of being "grown up." Depending on how Easter goes, I might offer up another holiday, but that wouldn't be until Christmas so I have some time to recover.

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