Monday, April 2, 2012

2 month anniversary

Or unemployment day 60, depends on how you want to count.

Surprisingly enough, the last two months have flown by. Granted I am not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing, so I will just call it a draw.

Regardless, it does mean to some degree I have kept myself busy, which is a good thing.
- I have time to keep my house clean.
- I know the day time TV schedule by memory.
- I am able to work naps into my daily routine. 
- I get to be more social and see friends (free or very budgeted of course).
- I have become a pro at applying for jobs. 
- I am able to play around more on the social networks (also good for resume).
- I have time to focus on volunteer projects for ReCiL which gives me a great sense of accomplishment.
- I also have been experimenting with various recipes, which is not only productive, but delicious.

Don't get me wrong, there are things I miss greatly in the last 60 days.
- Getting new spring pieces for my wardrobe.
- Getting new pieces that are on crazy clearance for next fall/winter.
- I haven't bought a new pair of shoes.
- If I eat out, I feel guilty about it, even if it is just a dollar menu meal.
- Unfinished home projects.
- No more decorating or picking up "perfect" pieces for my home.
- Recipe experiments are based on what I have in my kitchen, not what I can pick up.

Granted there is no "good" time to be laid off, but three months after buying a home and renovating the whole thing is pretty bad timing. That was part of the reason I didn't buy anything sooner, I didn't want to be in this position. But I am hopeful that something will come through soon.

So on that note, I have to get back to my employment hunt, while watching my day time programs, working towards my nap and thinking about what to make for dinner.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Oh depression, you are a tricky mistress.

The last 44 days have probably been the most trying I have had to face in my adult life. Which is saying a lot. That is also why I haven't posted either. Which honestly is a little backward, as this would have been more therapeutic than my current choices: nap a LOT, graze, TV, wine, nap more.

Let me get you up to speed.

February 1 - Got into a car accident that destroyed the front end of my car, but only kind of scratched the other car. A very annoying and traumatic Wednesday. Spent the day on the phone with a dozen different companies trying to straighten out everything and acquire a rental. Granted this wasn't my first accident, so moving on from that wasn't the end of the world. Also, thank goodness for car insurance, because out of the $5,000 worth of damage, I still only had to pay my $500 deductible.

February 2 - Got laid off. Out of the blue. Like a slap in the face. Like an unexpected break up. I did not see this coming. Not even a little. You know it's bad when my director was in tears telling me this. I spent a lot of the first day week crying on and off, just like in a bad breakup. Confusion, hurt, angst, worry, stress. Yup, definitely like a break up.

44 days later, I'm still dealing with it. I have good days where I feel motivated and like nothing can stop me. Then I have days where moving from the couch, or the floor with the computer, seems like too much to accomplish. Hell, putting on a bra is asking too much most days.

My saving grace and why I haven't completely lost my mind? My boyfriend and my "boys".

February 16 - I acquire two little loves of my life (OMG I have had them a whole month now?!). Otherwise known as Eli and Coal.

Though "brothers from separate mothers", they are definitely siblings. One minute they look/sound like they are trying to kill one another, the next they are cuddled up together being cute as can be. See above example.

My dear boyfriend is great at getting me back on track on my off days. Ever the optimist, he has never doubted that we will be ok, things will work themselves out, and we can move forward together through this to accomplish everything else we want to.

So while I am constantly dancing with my "mistress", as she keeps stepping on my toes and trying to trip me, my boys have done a good job of cutting in when I need a little rescuing.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Evolution of Date Night

I didn't really date in high school; partially because I wasn't allowed to, partially because I was "one of the guys" and it didn't occur to me that I was "datable."

Fast forward to dating as an adult (since I lack dating as a teen).

Early in the budding relationship, the "honeymoon" stage, is when Date Night consists of nice dinners, movies, pleasant walks, people watching in the mall before or after the movie. After all, we want to impress/be impressed by the person we are with.

Once a relationship is officially established, both parties decide they are happy with only that one person and embrace the monogamy. Spend a little more time together. See each other more frequently. Date Night now is a movie after work, or a nice dinner, or a dollar show with a quick meal before. Less romance, but still quality time together with each other.

Then there is the point in the relationship where you are either over all the time, or living together already. All habits, good and bad, are now known by the other person. It is more practical to stay in and cook because there are mutual goals being saved for. This is when Date Night becomes trying a new burger place in the area, followed by a trip to Costco and Jewel for groceries.

But you know what? The evolution of Date Night is a nice thing. It's comfy. It is more about appreciating the person you are with and enjoying the mundane tasks with someone you truly care about. So I am definitely alright with our grocery store dates, it means that I don't have to do these things alone, because I have someone who wants to be there with me for the day to day things.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Magic foods

"Magic foods" is the greatest thing ever.

What, pray tell, is "magic foods" you ask? It is that phenomenon where you come home after a long day and there is dinner waiting for you, all wrapped up and ready to eat. 

You never realize how awesome it is until you don't have it any more. Having moved out of home for the third time now, I think I miss it even more because it is officially a thing of the past. I don't foresee myself moving back home (again) where the magic foods is located.

Part of the problem is I have minimal desire to actually cook for myself. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE to cook and bake, but when doing do so for one, it's not the same. I like to share food, enjoy the flavors, the conversation, the experience. Otherwise, cereal, popcorn or noodles are completely acceptable when by myself.

This evening an easy meal won out over cereal: tacos. Ground chuck, seasonings, avocado, mango pear salsa and white corn tortillas. Fairly easy and extra delicious.

Tomorrow I have left over "Creamy" Lasagna from last night when Tony was here. Almost qualifies as Magic Foods, except I prepared it myself and have to reheat it myself.

Moment of silence for the loss of Magic Foods

Monday, January 2, 2012

Patience is a virtue

I don't think we emphasize patience enough to kids. Instant gratification is a delusion that we shouldn't encourage.

Granted, I don't have kids, so no one chase me down for that.

But really, this condo has been the ultimate test in patience. Not going to lie, I definitely took on more than I originally wanted to and feel incredibly overwhelmed. I have had my vision for this place since I first walked in and had the "OMG I LOVE IT!! Everything has to go." moment; that has never been the problem. The problem is waiting for everything to get done. Eventually. Not on my desired time frame. *insert twitchy, control issues here*

It has come a long way in the last 6 weeks though. My floors are done. The trim is almost done. The walls are technically done, if you ignore all the touching up I have to do because of a shit contractor. I have all my furniture. One of my two bathrooms is done, for the most part. But I am still living in my condo like it is a studio apartment with boxes of stuff everywhere. Why you ask? Mainly because I have a kitchen with no counters. We are going on the fourth time around for ordering them because they were either damaged or the wrong dimensions. There is also the matter of the one counter that is completely MIA. Frustrating is an understatement. So the second bedroom is storage. The master bedroom has construction stuff for the unfinished projects. There are "kitchen" boxes in my front room, along with broke counter tops. It's dusty chaos. So much dust. So much chaos. Did I mention the dust everywhere?

This project has been the ultimate test in patience.

So since all my patience is wrapped up in my condo, this means I have little left to allocate elsewhere. Just giving a friendly heads up.