Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Evolution of Date Night

I didn't really date in high school; partially because I wasn't allowed to, partially because I was "one of the guys" and it didn't occur to me that I was "datable."

Fast forward to dating as an adult (since I lack dating as a teen).

Early in the budding relationship, the "honeymoon" stage, is when Date Night consists of nice dinners, movies, pleasant walks, people watching in the mall before or after the movie. After all, we want to impress/be impressed by the person we are with.

Once a relationship is officially established, both parties decide they are happy with only that one person and embrace the monogamy. Spend a little more time together. See each other more frequently. Date Night now is a movie after work, or a nice dinner, or a dollar show with a quick meal before. Less romance, but still quality time together with each other.

Then there is the point in the relationship where you are either over all the time, or living together already. All habits, good and bad, are now known by the other person. It is more practical to stay in and cook because there are mutual goals being saved for. This is when Date Night becomes trying a new burger place in the area, followed by a trip to Costco and Jewel for groceries.

But you know what? The evolution of Date Night is a nice thing. It's comfy. It is more about appreciating the person you are with and enjoying the mundane tasks with someone you truly care about. So I am definitely alright with our grocery store dates, it means that I don't have to do these things alone, because I have someone who wants to be there with me for the day to day things.

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